Business Health

The 3 Best Health Insurance Plans 2021

Getting the proper health insurance is by far one of the daunting tasks one can ever venture into. Well, it looks easy until you get into the actual hunt. With the many plans, private health insurance companies, many agents, and even different devices, it could be hard to figure out what particularly is your best option.

The worst part is that it is an unavoidable task. You can not ignore it; because everyone needs it. You need it, your children need it, and so is everyone in your household. So you might be wondering which plan you should sign up for. Should you go for a family insurance plan or get individual plans for everyone in the household?

Well, forget about that, there are many companies, both private and by the federal government that sells these plans so which ones can you trust more. These questions call to be answered by an expert because it is sometimes hard to figure out the answers yourself sometimes.

So whether your insurance plan is too expensive and you want to jump to a more affordable health insurance plan, or you are getting a health insurance cover for the first time ever, whether for yourself or your family, here are three of the best options to take. Remember that a consultation with a professional also goes a long way as far as getting the best plan that suits you is concerned.

United Healthcare

The United Healthcare Health Insurance Company is one of the biggest healthcare insurance companies in the US. You can find it in most ZIP codes and is available almost everywhere, in every region. You also get to explore many different insurance options including supplemental plans, the Affordable Care Act(ACA) for families, and more.

It also offers online health workshops and portals where you can schedule appointments with your doctor, get virtual consultations, and even manage all your policies right online from your MyUHC account.


Cigna is by far the best health insurance coverage outside the US. It is especially great for people who spend most of their days outside the US. Accidents and illnesses don’t go about knocking on doors, giving you time to get ready, and asking you to prepare for them, they just hit and attack.

And Cigna just happens to be your best friend when this happens. It gives you access to more than 1 million hospitals and medical specialists around the world and with excellent customer service available to assist you 24/7. So whether you are a short trip traveler or you like getting long vacations, or even if it is the nature of your work to always be traveling, Cigna might just be your go-to.


US senior citizens get low-cost Medicare by default offered by the Federal Government. This coverage, also known as Original Medicare, doesn’t fully cover all your medical needs and for that reason, you might want to get a Medicare Advantage plan from other private companies.

Humana is there for that specific job. It specializes in offering premium Medicare Advantage plans with more coverage than Original Medicare. They have many plans giving you many options to choose from. You can also get Humana customized health insurance plans.